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Showing posts from December, 2009

Fireworks without fire?

You thought that you can't have fireworks without fire? Then you were wrong! With this cool gadget you can have fireworks even inside your house! Check out this great new Sega product. It is called Firebox and it special projector with fireworks effects. Maybe it is not as funny as real fireworks, but is completely safe and it can make some much more funny effects then real fireworks. New Year is coming!

Wake up patriot!

Hello, if you ra real patriot then you should also wake up like a patriot and for that you need this perfect gaget. With this alarm clock you can wake up with American flag riseing and you can even hear the canon shooting. Another crazy alarm clock, but if you are patriot then it is the must for you!

Applause in a box

Do you think that you are really good in something or you just had a bad day and want to hear how some huge crowd is applauding you? Then this cool gadget is something just perfect for you! It is just box of applause that you can open every time when you just feel bad and want to hear that satisfying sound and then close that huge number of your fans to the box, waiting when you will need them again.