Probably everyone has sometimes problem with smell of shoes. This is caused by bacteria and it does not matter if your shoes are for sporty or you use them as your normal every day shoes. This problem has probably vast majority of people and it is of course absolutely normal. There are sprays and similar stuff that can help with this problem. These sprays are not cheap and you still have to buy new and new ones. Well, not any more, because here is one very cool gadget.
It has long and strange name Shuvee Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer. It can refresh your shoes perfectly in one hour and over night it will completely sanitize your shoes. It works on all kinds, shapes and sizes of shoes, so really whole family can use it. Especially if you have problems with chronic foot odor, this is solution for you. You just buy this and you will never more need any more sprays or whatever.
As you probably already realized, this works because of ultraviolet light, that kills all the bad bacteria and makes your shoes absolutely clean and with no bad smell. Your foots and shoes will love this.